Dec 25, 2016


Dangal ("wrestler") is one of those films that you can watch with just about anyone—making you smile, laugh, and even cry while loving every bit of the experience. I went in without even knowing what the film was about, having no expectations, and came out with a huge smile and some happy tears....

Dec 24, 2016

Common "Religious" Arabic Phrases Used Culturally

Some phrases, that when translated to English may sound over the top and archaic, are so common they're practically expected to be said in other languages. Because I believe language is an insight into culture, I came up with six different scenarios and their consecutive phrases. This post will be dedicated...

Dec 7, 2016

Novel Like Manga—Laying out Your Story

I'll be honest: I know nothing about drawing manga, but I do know a thing or two about writing. As a longstanding manga fan, I feel like I owe it to the industry to understand how it works. And while thinking about it, I discovered a lot of connections between manga and books—some similar, others admirably...

Nov 3, 2016

Oct 24, 2016

Perpetually Dreaming — My Reality

As the saying goes, there are always two kinds of people. They are always doing or being two different kinds of things. To be honest, that always bothered me—two is never an accurate number. But I keep (hypocritically) dividing people in two groups myself. In my mind, people are either dreamers...

Jul 29, 2016

Duel of Fire by Jordan Rivet

This book was a quick fun read. Sword fighting, magic, and a funny prince? I knew I'd like it before reading--and I totally did. Set in a fantasy world, Duel of Fire is filled with new concepts and strong characters. Dara Ruminor is an eighteen-year old duelist who is serious about her work. And...

Jul 24, 2016

Jul 10, 2016

Frederic - A Unique Japanese Sound

Frederic (フレデリック) makes the type of music I would recommend to people who are genuine music lovers. They're so interesting and unique that it's hard for me to label them with a single genre--though Japanese Rock seems to be the general umbrella. Personally, I'd go with "Indie (pop-ish?) with funk-like rock"--or simply: just good music. Originally from Kobe, Frederic is a three-member band...

Feb 12, 2016

Losing a Voice

I've come to realise that I have lost my voice. No, not my actual voice with vocal chords and all, but my writing one... which in a way, feels exactly the same. The thing about losing your voice is that it's a lot like losing your "self". And that can be scary. For me, it means not knowing how...